Specialty Care
Infusion treatments, whether at home, in a healthcare clinic or other non-hospital setting, require highly trained Specialty Care nursing and pharmacy support. Trust becomes essential for these higher-risk infusion therapies that require ongoing care.

Clinical Nutrition
Nutrition plays an essential role in sustaining quality of life for those who require care for complex conditions. Pentec Health provides personalized clinical nutrition solutions and superior community-based care.

Disease States
Managing the multifaceted needs for a variety of conditions requiring clinical nutrition and specialty care therapies, services and products. This includes patients with kidney disease, kidney failure, chronic, non-healing wounds, gastrointestinal conditions, rare metabolic disorders, chronic pain, muscle spasticity or cancer within or that has metastasized in the liver.

Continuing Education
By leveraging decades of clinical expertise, we are able to successfully demonstrate our industry leadership through webinars, speaker programs and research studies. We take pride in sharing valuable insights that enhance clinician education and practice.

Patient Resources
We are committed to supporting patients by empowering them with knowledge and resources needed to navigate their healthcare journey with confidence.

Pentec Health
Pentec Health is a national leader in clinical nutrition and specialty care integrating pharmacy services with clinical excellence to enhance the complex care journey.

National Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day 2021
March 9, 2021 | Blogs
During National Kidney & Nutrition Month, there is a day dedicated to recognize the hard working Registered...
A Look Back at 2020 with Pentec Health
December 30, 2020 | Blogs
As we take the time to reflect on 2020, it’s important to remember that it has been one of the most unique years we have ever experienced.
Pentec Health’s Intrathecal Nurse Fellowship is Accredited with Distinction as a Practice Transition Program by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation in Practice Transition Programs
November 6, 2019 | Press
Pentec Health, Inc. is honored to announce that accreditation as a practice transition program has been granted for three years through The American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation in Practice Transition Programs.
Pentec Health Announces Expansion of Aetna Coverage to their Coventry Medicare Plan
June 26, 2019 | Press
Pentec Health, Inc. today announced that Aetna, one of the country's leading health plans, will expand coverage for their Renal Nutrition Services and their Intrathecal (IT) pump management program under its Coventry Medicare plan, reaching 5.3 million lives across the country.
October is American Pharmacists Month
October 18, 2018 | News and Events
October is American Pharmacists Month, which is an opportunity to recognize the contributions of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in the health care field.
Pentec Health Surpasses 10,000 Active Patient Census Milestone
August 31, 2018 | News and Events
10,000 patients. 10,000 people that have benefited from our services, countless lives that have been impacted by our reach. Thank you to all the MD’s, RD’s, and everyone else who helped us reach this milestone.
For the 9th Time, Pentec Health Appears on the Inc. 5000
August 16, 2018 | Press, Awards
Pentec Health, Inc. has earned a position on the 2018 Inc. 5000 list, the most prestigious ranking of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies.
35 Years of Pentec Health: What Our Longest-Standing Employees Have to Say
July 20, 2018 | News and Events
Pentec Health is celebrating 35 years of exceptional service in 2018. We have always been a company built on service and caring; who better to testify to this than those who have been with us since the beginning?
Pentec Health’s Nursing Team Honored with ANCC Pathway Award™
Pentec Health, a leader in providing intrathecal pump management through nursing services and complex pharmaceutical products for patients who require care in a flexible setting, was honored to receive the 2018 ANCC Pathway Award™.
Pentec Health Celebrates 35th Anniversary
May 2, 2018 | News and Events
Pentec Health has reached a milestone this May, celebrating 35 years of business! The company has grown its footprint from a small local provider of patient-specific compounded solutions to a national provider of patient-specific services and IV solutions in renal dialysis and targeted drug delivery as well as a national outsourced sterile solutions provider.

Proudly Quality Accredited
National Quality Approval
The Joint Commission

Accredited Practice Transition
Program With Distinction
American Nurses Credentialing Center
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